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Microsoft loves Linux! NET Core per Linux e SQL Server per Linux , passando per la Desired State Configuration , Powershell si unisce alla famiglia dei prodotti destinati al mondo Open Source. Ed ovviamente non dimentichiamoci del Windows Subsystem for Linux introdotto in Windows 10 Anniversary Update. Questo significa che molti sviluppatori potranno dare il loro contributo e provvedere in maniera rapidissima al rilascio di versioni beta. Si attende con ansia una versione RTM in modo tale da poterla utilizzare subito in produzione, ma le date di rilascio non sono state dichiarate.
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A partir de Windows 8. Service branch. We recommend that you install update on your Windows RT 8. Update Servicing Model afterOctober Pour le Framework. Ce changement ne concerne pas les autres produits tels que Microsoft Office, Microsoft Silverlight. Our commitment to keeping Windows secure remains steadfast. In this simplified process our focus on both quality and dealing rapidly with regressions is our highest priority.
We do perform our own internal validation with a large number of ISV apps to validate patches; some ISVs also receive pre-release access to these updates to perform their own validation. ISVs can also open support cases with us, just like we will open cases with them when we find issues. If any issues are encountered by you, we encourage you to open a support case right away; we will work to resolve these as quickly as possible. In cases where issues are found, we will evaluate these on a case-by-case basis to determine what appropriate steps should be taken; these could be different for each issue.
We could choose to revise the update package, or provide an additional update that could be installed over the top of the offending update. In Part 4 of this series we deployed a Remote Desktop Gateway Server within our lab. In Part 5 we will be adding Email capabilities within our lab using Microsoft Exchange Server Our Exchange Deployment will consist of a single Exchange Server that will be an Azure VM. There are a few requirements that we will need to meet before Deploying a fully functional Exchange Environment within our Lab.
The first will be registering for a Domain Name. If you have already registered your domain as I have with killerhomelab.
Once we are within the portal follow the steps below to create our Exchange Azure VM. At Choose an image screen select in the Middle-Pane select Windows Server R2 Datacenter then click Next. So KHL-EX is no longer available. Use the following as a temporary Username and Password then click Next. Sit back and wait for you Azure VM to be created.
It normally takes about minutes. Once the VM is complete we will need to reserve its IP address. It can be found here:. In the Left-Pane click on VIRTUAL MACHINES then in the Right-Pane click on KHL-EX.
At the Add an endpoint to a virtual machine window click the Arrow to proceed. At the Specify the details of the endpoint screen use the NAME pull-down menu and select SMTP , then click the Check Box to complete. Note: While the port is being added the addition of additional ports is disabled. This process should take about seconds.
At the Specify the details of the endpoint screen use the NAME pull-down menu and select HTTPS, then click the Check Box to complete. In the Middle-Pane highlight KHL-EX then on the Bottom-Bar click CONNECT. At the Save As pop-up enter KHL-EX under File name: then click Save. Once we are logged into KHL-EX we need to verity that it is using KHL-DC as its DNS Server.
We can do that by running an NSLookup as shown below:. Once it is confirmed that we can communicate with KHL-DC we will join this server to the domain using the steps below:. Under Computer name, domain and workgroup settings click on Change settings. Under Member of select Domain: then enter killerhomelab. com and click OK. Once the server has restarted we will re-connect using out Domain Admin credentials.
Once logged in we will need to prepare our server for Exchange by installing the Prerequisites for Exchange The official prerequisites can be pulled from the TechNet article below even though we will go through each below:. We will start by installing the IIS Role and the features that are required for an Exchange Installation.
Follow the procedures below to install the IIS Prerequisites:. Install-WindowsFeature AS-HTTP-Activation, Desktop-Experience, NET-FrameworkFeatures, RPC-over-HTTP-proxy, RSAT-ADDS, RSAT-Clustering, RSAT-Clustering-CmdInterface, RSAT-Clustering-Mgmt, RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell, Web-Mgmt-Console, WAS-Process-Model, Web-Asp-Net45, Web-Basic-Auth, Web-Client-Auth, Web-Digest-Auth, Web-Dir-Browsing, Web-Dyn-Compression, Web-Http-Errors, Web-Http-Logging, Web-Http-Redirect, Web-Http-Tracing, Web-ISAPI-Ext, Web-ISAPI-Filter, Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console, Web-Metabase, Web-Mgmt-Console, Web-Mgmt-Service, Web-Net-Ext45, Web-Request-Monitor, Web-Server, Web-Stat-Compression, Web-Static-Content, Web-Windows-Auth, Web-WMI, Windows-Identity-Foundation -Restart.
Now that we have all of our IIS Pre-Reqs installed, we will need to install the Unified Communications Managed API 4. Follow the steps below to install the Unified Communications Managed API 4. In the Left-Pane click on Local Server then under the Properties section click on the IE Enhanced Security Configuration toggle. At the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration screen under Administrators select Off.
In the Top-Right corner select the Settings gear then select Internet Options. At the Internet Options window select the Security tab then click on Custom level. At the Security Settings window make sure the File download settings is set to Enable then click OK, OK. Navigate to the following URL and download Unified Communications Managed API 4.
Navigate to the Downloads Folder and Double-click UcmaRuntimeSetup. At the Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 4. At the License Agreement screen select I have read and accept the license terms then click Install. Now we are almost ready to install Exchange Follow the steps below to download and extract the Exchange Setup Files. From your Downloads folder double-click ExchangeServerCU2. Since our first Domain Controller was deployed On-Premise it is the holder of all of the FSMO Roles.
Since Exchange is going to deployed within Azure which is another AD Site Azure-KHL , we will need to move the Schema Master Role from our On-Premise Domain Controller OP-DC to our Azure Domain Controller KHL-DC. Right-click on the Windows Logo and select Command Prompt Admin. At the Command Prompt change directories to the Downloads Folder. We will use the command prompt to install Exchange since it allows us to customize our Default Database Location.
Follow the instructions below to install Exchange Now that our server has been rebooted. Lets do some quick checks to verify that it is operating correctly.
We will start by making sure all of our Exchange Services are up and running. Within the Services MMC scroll down and make sure all of the following Exchange Services are started:. Once we have validated that all our services are running, lets actually try and log into the Exchange Administration Center. Launch Internet Explorer and navigate to the following URL:. Since this is the first time we are logging into the EAC, we will be prompted to select a Language and Time Zone as shown in the screens below:.
Follow the steps below to validate that your Database is Mounted:. In a production environments each of these services would have a separate URL which would point to a specific Virtual IP VIP hosted by a Load Balancer. This is done so each VIP can be configured to used optimized rules based on the service. This also provides a descriptive URL for users. Following the steps below lets create our DNS records using the dnscmd tool:.
com autodiscover A com owa A com outlook A com eas A To confirm that our records have been created, from the Command Prompt run dnsmgmt. Within the DNS Manager as shown below confirm all 4 DNS A Records have been created.
Now that the Internal DNS Records have been created, we will need to configure External DNS. As stated at the beginning of this article to have a fully functional Exchange Environment we must have publicly registered. Each Name Registrar has different procedures on creating DNS Records. In order to determine the IP address, we need these A Records to point to we will ping the Azure FQDN which will be in the following format:.
Using the Exchange Management, follow the steps below to configure each Virtual Directories unique URL. Locate and right-click the Exchange Management Shell and select Run as administrator. Note: You will receive the below message since your ECP Virtual Directory has not yet been updated.
Disregard this message since your ECP Directory will be set next. Now that we have created our DNS Records and set our Virtual Directories, lets access the ECP using our new OWA URL. From Internet Explorer navigate to the following URL:. This is due to our usage of the default Self-Signed Certificate. Self-Signed Exchange Certificates only include the Exchange Servers NetBIOS and Fully Qualified Domain Name as shown below:.
Exchange uses Certificates to secure all of its protocols. By default the certificate that is used is a Self-Signed Certificate. This is created at the time of installation of Exchange. This certificate is good for initial testing and validation that certain services like OWA and ECP work, however they are only trusted on the Exchange Server.
Although this certificate can be trusted on other systems, for our lab we will use our Certificate Authority that was deployed in Part 3 of this series to issue our Certificate since it is already trusted by all Domain Joined Computers.
Incase you have lost count, I have provided them below:. In the Left-Pane right-click Personal and select All Tasks Request New Certificate. At the Select Certificate Enrollment Policy screen click Next.
At the Request Certificates screen select KHL Web Server then click More information is required…. Under Subject name: use the pull-down menu and select Common name then enter owa.
com under Value and click Add. Under Alternative name : use the pull-down menu and select DNS then enter owa. Click on the General tab then under Friendly name: enter Exchange Internal SAN then OK, Enroll. At the Certificate Installation Results screen click Finish. From the Exchange Administrative Center in the Left-Pane click on servers. In the Middle-Pane select Exchange Internal SAN then click on Edit as shown below:.
At the pop-up click on services and select IIS then click Save. Now that our new certificate has been enabled, lets try and access ECP using our new URL by launching Internet Explorer and navigating to the following URL:. You will notice that since we Disabled Forms Authentication and Enabled Windows Authentication, we are now prompted with the security prompt below. Enter your Domain Credentials to authenticate:. From the Exchange Administrative Center in the Left-Pane click on mail flow.
At the Name: screen under Name: enter West Internet and select Internet then click Next. At the Network settings: screen make sure MX record associated with recipient domain is selected then click Next.
Type: SMTP. Now that we have our Mail Flow settings configured lets create a text mailbox to test our external mail flow. Within the EAC use the steps below to create a test Mailbox:. Within the EAC in the Left-Pane click on recipients then in the middle-pane click on mailboxes. At the new user mailbox enter TUser1 and select New user.
Fill the form in as shown below then click Save. Testing Exchange When prompted enter the Test User1 Credentials. Since this is your first time logging into this mailbox select a Time zone then click Save. In the To: field enter the email address of another email account you can access then add a subject and click Send:.
Log into your other email account and check to see if you received the message. As you can see below our message was successfully sent from our New Exchange Server and delivered to another email account. As you can see below, Outlook actually considered my message to be Junk Email, so make sure to check your Junk Email folder for whatever account you at using for this test. Now that we have sent a successful outbound email, lets reply to our email so we can check our inbound email.
Open the message from Test User1 then click on Reply all. Enter some text within the body of the message then click Send :. If we switch back over to our Test User1 mailbox to we should see our message from our other email account!
Now that we know our mail flow is working and OWA is accessible. Lets move on to test our other Client Connectivity Options.
Microsoft Windows Server - Wikiwand.
Important When you install this update from Windows Update, updates, and are included in the installation. The November update rollup for Windows RT 8. We recommend that you apply this update rollup as part of your regular maintenance routines. Check out the fixed issues in this update. Also notice that there ссылка на продолжение a prerequisite and a restart requirement to apply this update.
Performance and reliability improvements in clustered virtual machine mission-critical environments. Additional hardware support devices that have third-party disk encryption software enabled can now be upgraded to Windows 8. This November update rollup also includes all previous updates since the previous image update in April This is a convenient single step to bring (9600)) clients and servers up to date.
Unlike our April update, the November update rollup is not required to be able to continue to receive security or other updates. However, we strongly recommend that eindows deploy it to Нажмите для продолжения clients and servers to benefit from these new features and improvements as well as to prevent many known issues that have been resolved since April.
This update is thoroughly tested to the same quality level as our previous service packs. However, unlike service packs, this update does not change the version number and does not deprecate or change any APIs in a manner that t2 require recertification. This update package fixes the problems that are documented in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles.
KB Excel freezes for a short time when you open an Excel workbook on a network share in Windows 8. KB Bluetooth device cannot reconnect to the computer in Windows 8. KB You cannot print an A3 size document in Windows 8.
KB Performance and reliability enhancements for clustered environments in Windows 8. KB Domain controller windows server 2012 r2 standard 6.3 (9600) free download when the server is under a heavy load in Windows Server R2. KB You cannot decrypt data after you encrypt it by using CredLocker.
KB You cannot perform token-based activation in Windows 8. KB "0xF" Stop error when you put the computer in sleep mode or hibernation. KB Shortcut menu does standare appear when you right-click Start.
KB Start screen can be customized unexpectedly after you apply update on a Windows 8. KB Application crashes when you input text at the beginning of multiple lines.
KB USB 3. KB Miracast display resolution changes after you shut down and then restart a Windows 8. KB The system does not enter Connected Standby after you install update in Windows 8.
KB Solid lines winddows of dotted lines are eindows in Windows fgee. KB Log Sense command populates the Parameter field with windows server 2012 r2 standard 6.3 (9600) free download data unexpectedly. KB Slab consolidation cannot be completed by runnning the defrag command-line. KB Graphics adapter crashes or timing data is incorrect when you try to analyze standqrd GPU performance of an application.
KB Memory usage becomes high when you run an application in Windows 8. KB USB dindows healthcare sedver cannot be recognized. KB Office documents freeze when saving through a slow network on wiindows domain-joined computer in Windows 8. KB Screen flickers when you close a window in Windows 8.
You receive a 0xf or 0x error message when you try to install this update Symptoms Assume that you have either of the following configurations:. Additionally, the guest virtual machine windows server 2012 r2 standard 6.3 (9600) free download running Windows Server Windows xbox 360 controller software free. In these configurations, update may not be installed, and you receive a 0xf or 0x error message.
Solution To resolve staneard problem, follow these steps:. Install the updated servicing stack updateand then restart the computer. The computer may windows server 2012 r2 standard 6.3 (9600) free download if you restore the system to a restore point that was created before update rollup was installed Notes. An installation of a Windows update typically creates a restore point to which the system can be rolled back in case the installation or the updates cause any problems.
In this case, the computer may experience startup sstandard if fdee try to roll back the system to a restore point that was created before you installed update rollup If the computer has Windows Recovery Environment WRE configured, the system automatically restores itself to the last-known working state. To do this, click View installed updates in the navigation wundows in Programs and Stanndardselect KB in the list, and then click Uninstall.
After you apply this update on a computer, the computer does not respond during shutdown if you have enabled Fast Startup. Solution If you do not encounter the issue but have enabled Fast Startup, install hotfix before you apply the November update. If you have encountered the issue, to work around this issue, restart your computer. After you install security update or updatedomain users who log on to domain-joined Windows 8. Workaround To work around this problem, set the value of the ProtectionPolicy registry entry to 1 to enable local backup of the MasterKey instead of requiring a RWDC in windows server 2012 r2 standard 6.3 (9600) free download following registry subkey:.
If you turn on automatic updates, this update is automatically installed. Open Windows Update by standxrd in from the right edge of the screen or point to the lower-right corner of the screen and move the mouse pointer uptap or click Settingstap or click Change PC settingsand then tap or click Update and recovery. Tap or winsows Check nowand then wait while Windows looks for the latest updates for 202 computer. Select windows server 2012 r2 standard 6.3 (9600) free download under Optionaland then tap or click Install.
Note You might have to restart your computer to finish installing some updates. Save and close your files and apps before you restart so that you do not lose any work or data. For more information downloda Windows Update, see frequently asked questions on Windows Update. Download frre xbased Windows 8. Windows server 2012 r2 standard 6.3 (9600) free download the xbased Windows Server R2 update package now. There are no other adverse effects. For more information about how to download Microsoft support files, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:.
Microsoft used the most current virus-detection software that was available on the date that the file was posted. The file is stored on security-enhanced servers that help prevent any unauthorized changes to the file. PrerequisitesTo apply this update, you must first install update on Windows 8.
File informationFile detail information For a list of the files that are provided in this updatedownload the file information for update File hash information The following table lists the thumbprints of the certificates that are used to sign the updates. Verify the certificate thumbprint in this Microsoft Knowledge Base article against the certificate thumbprint indicated on the update that you download. See the terminology windowe Microsoft uses to describe software updates.
November update rollup for Windows RT 8. If updates are found, tap or click Install updates. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. A subscription to make the most of your time. Try one month free. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Any other feedback? The more ztandard tell us, the more we windows server 2012 r2 standard 6.3 (9600) free download help.
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